

Causes of fire and rough driving and how to deal with them

 This article mainly introduces Caterpillar 3208   Causes of fire and rough driving and how to deal with them

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1. Air in Fuel System... With air in the fuel system the engine will normally be difficult to start. run rough and release a large amount of white smoke. Toremove the air from the fuel system, open the manual bleed valve on the fuel injection pump housing. Operate the priming pump until the tiow of fuel from the manual bleed valve is free of air. Close the manual bleed valve and fasten the fuel primingpump. Start the engine. If the engine still does not run smooth or releases a large amount of white smoke, loosen the fuel line nuts one at a tirme at the cylinder heads, and permit the fuel to come out until it is free of air. Tighten the fuel line nuts. If air is not removed in this way, put 35kPa(5 psi) of air pressure to the fuel tank.

NOTICE Do not use more than 55 kPa(8 psi) of air pressure in the fuel tank or damage to the tank may result. 

2. Valve Adjustrment Not Correct.. Check and make necessary adjustments as per Testing and Acdjusting Section of this Service Manual. intake vaive clearance is 0.38 mm(.015 m) and exnaust valve clearance is 0.64 mm(025 in). Also check for a bent or broken push rod.

3. Fuel Injection Timing Not Corect... Check and make necessary adjustments as per Testing and Adjusting Section of this Service Manual.

4. Automatic Timing Advance Does Not Operate Correctly,.. Check with engine warm. Use the8T5300 Timing Indicator Group to check the automatic timing advance unit. Check to see that the advance is smooth and that the amount of advance is correct. See Fuel System of the Testing and Adjusting section of this Service Manual for the subject Checking Engine Timing And Automatic Timing Advance Unit With 8T5300 Tirming Indicator Group. if the timing indicator is not available, make rapid "acceleration(ncrease in speed) from low idle to high iadle. Engine must have smooth acceleration.Q A timing advance that does not operate correctly can cause delays of the engine acceleration at some rpm
before high idle,or possibly cause the engine to run rough and have exhaust noise(backfire)during acceieration.This condition is difficut to find if engine acceleration is slow or at a constant engine rpm.

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5.Bad Fuel Nozzle(s)..…Find a bad nozzle by running engine at the rpm where it runs rough.Loosen the fuel line nut at the cylinder head enough to stop fuel supply to that cylinder.Each cylinder must bechecked this way.If a cylinder is found where loosening of the nut makes no difference in the rough running,test the nozzle for that cyfinder,To test a nozzle,remove the nozzle from the engine and test.

6.Valve Leakage;Wear or Damage to Pistons and/or Piston Rings;Wear or Damage to Cylinder Walls..The condition of these parts can be checked with a cylinder leakage tester.Special Instruction,Form No.GMG00694,gives the test procedure.The components can be bad if leakage is more than the specifications.If leakage is heardat the inlet manifold,the intake valves leak.If the leakage is heard at the exhaust manifold,the exhaust valves leak.If leakage is heard at the ol filer opening,the piston rings leak.

7.Cylinder Head Gasket Leakage..Check with the cylinder leakage tester.If leakage is higher than specifications,check at the fuel nozzie hole of the next cylinder to see if the leak is between cylinders.
Leakage at the gasket of the cylinder head can show as an outside leak or can cause loss of coolant through the radiator overflow.

8. Engine Camshaft Timing Not Corect.... Engine camshaft timing can be checked by finding the top center position for number one cylinder as per Testing and Adjusting section of this Service Manual. If timing is not correct remove the frontcover and check timing marks. If timing marks are correct check for a broken drive dowel in the camshaft drive gear.

9. Fuel Leakage from Fuel Injection LineNut.. Tignten nut to 42±7N·m(31±5lb ft).
Again check for leakage.

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10. Fuvel Has a High "Cloud Point".. The fuel"cloud point' is the temperature at which wax begins to form in the fuel. If the atmospheric temperature is lower than the"cloud point"of the fuel, wax wil form and plug the filter, Change the filter and drain the tank and the complete fuel system. The replacement fuel must be of a better grade with a lower * cloud point".

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